Sunday, 15 April 2012

April 15, 2012

This week has gone well with Cassandra.  She has continued to see a counselor, and I have seen her increase in mindful awareness.  When she gets upset, I have seen her take a step back and say, “I don’t know why I reacted in that way,” and even, “I am sorry.”  This has been a great blessing.
At the same time, I need to be constantly aware.  I need to be aware that I am still dealing with a spouse who struggles with fear and haunting memories.  In order to do this, I need to be aware, and I need to be educated.
I have found an excellent resource in the TEARS AND HEALING series, written by Richard 21CP.  He too lived with an abusive spouse and now helps to raise awareness and bring about healing for those who still live in similar situations.  I have found his resources excellent in trying to understand my own situation, and in ultimately realizing that there is something terribly wrong with my dear wife.  His writings also affirmed what I knew about myself, that I am not the crazy one in this situation.   His books and resources are available online at:
I do not agree with everything that Richard says, however.  As a Christian and one who believes in the Law of Attraction, I always have hope.  Had I followed what Richard says, I would have given up on Cassandra and moved on years ago.  I knew in my heart that that was just not the right thing to do.  I knew that there was a way though this, and I am proving that fact every day.  It has been, and continues to be, an amazing journey filled with much growth and many blessings.
I know that there are spouses out there who are sicker and more abusive than Cassandra.  Everyone who reads this blog has to make his or her own choice.  Still, it is a choice.  God never gives us a challenge that we cannot handle.  How are you called to handle your challenge?  Understand your situation, understand yourself, believe in the power of the goodness that lives inside of you, and do the right thing.
God bless you!

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