Sunday, 11 March 2012

March 11, 2012

I will admit that I am a believer in the Law of Attraction.  It is very consistent with my Christian faith, and with my own world view.  For a number of years I believed others who told me that this was unrealistic and that I needed to accept reality.  This is likely one of the reasons why I chose to marry Cassandra.  She seemed so grounded, so realistic.  Little did I know that she too was affected by the Law of Attraction, whether she was aware of it or not.  Little did I realize the impact her past would have upon our present lives.

Several years ago I watched the movie “The Secret”.  When I did, I said, “Yes!  I was right all along!  That is how the world is!”  I began a new journey of self-discovery, and it has been wonderful.  Ultimately, where we are and how exactly we are going to reach our goal is less important than actually having a clear goal.  I know that life is a challenge with Cassandra, but I also know that the day that I walk on the beach in the Cook Islands with the woman I love is a reality.  I just visualize it every day, and I feel it happening.

This blog is my effort to share that journey with you.  The fact that I am accomplishing this goal gives hope to many.  In order to do so, I must have a very strong WHY.  The person with a WHY can deal with any HOW.  The how can be extremely difficult.  In my case it certainly is, but I also know that I am extraordinary.  We all need to know that we are extraordinary, because we all are! 

I believe in myself, I believe in the goodness in Cassandra, and I believe in a loving God.  I believe in the heroism in each of us.  I can see my children thanking me, saying, “Thank you for keeping our family together.  Thank you for loving Mom.  Thank you for loving us.  You are truly a great man.”

Those of us who live with emotional and verbal abuse can take courage in the words of Eleanor Roosevelt:  “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror.  I can take the next thing that comes along.’”

While keeping this perspective, we must remember to take care of ourselves.  As I have said before, Holosync meditation has been a godsend for me.  You can check it out for yourself by going to

I have also found a counselor who supports me in my goals, helps me to understand Cassandra’s illness, and helps me to develop strategies in dealing with her in a positive manner.  In addition, I read great books, like Bob Molle’s GETTING COMFORTABLE BEING UNCOMFORTABLE, and I listen to inspiring talks. 

Of course I also enjoy writing my blog and sharing my story with you.  I hope that Cassandra will be the woman walking along the beach with me in the Cook Islands, but I do not control Cassandra, and I do not control God.  Whatever happens, I am joyful and thankful.  "All will be well."

May God fill your heart with grace and peace!


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